What is Yoga?
Google tells us that yoga is "a Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline, a part of which, including breath control, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures, is widely practiced for health and relaxation."
This is the definition of yoga that is truncated (cut short) for public consumption, as yoga was banned hundred of years ago and it still technically is forbidden for public access and understanding. This is simply the more grossly obvious aspect of yoga.
Many of us are being led to believe that we do not have time to learn all of yoga.
This is false! We are actually all being forced to be anxious, scared, and confused and this must end with you, me, and all of us. It starts with us learning to tear down the old constructs of false information to see what is disempowering us, so that we must find and recover what it truly takes to empower us.
Together we can unlearn faulty understandings as we repair and clean up broken and contaminated teachings and recover the human potential for the sake of attaining the most constructive form unity. We can work together to recover the teachings and information needed to help us realize the great power of the human potential.
Not Yogasana but Hathayoga in its True Definition.
If we are going to understand yoga in its fullness, we must stop allowing industry to inappropriately define it to us. Yoga is the way, the truth, and the light that is intended to bring us all into power.
HA = Sun THA = Moon
we have a sun channel on the right and moon channel on the left
The idea of HATHA YOGA is focusing on relieving us of karmas that block us,
clearing the central channels and balancing our inner masculine/feminine sun/moon
so that we may be able to receive divine power thereby increasing our intuition and intelligence.
Yoga is the vehicle for the messianic energy of the Christ consciousness mind field
True spirituality liberates and empowers us and does not encourage a divide between followers and non-followers. Rather than alienating people who are not members of the "spiritual club", it unites us all on a personal level with the divine through the science of interfacing with the true self and supreme reality, regardless of belief.
Why do we only read the Bhagavad Gita and not the book it came out of?
Instead of studying the Mahabharata, the entire context in which Bhagavad Gita occurs, which emphasizes the exciting potential that we are living avatar-extensions of the divine, the Bhagavad Gita has been taken out of context and expanded with lengthy distorted commentary so that it may be presented as its own "holy book". This is simply one of the many earthly efforts to maintain a standardized and degraded environment of disempowerment among the entire human race.
We must delve into the wisdom of Yoga known as jnana. This is wisdom applied to oneness. It centres around the primal cause of yoga, which is mind itself. It is mentality. It is psychology, and it is for all practical purposes mind control. When the intellegence of yoga is combined with the body, we have not a practice but a way of being. A way of governing oneself in truth. Yoga when brought into true mind-body union, is the road to salvation of the heart, body and mind from ill health, to the overall brilliance, luster, and illumination that the realised human potential offers. This is embodiment of pure mind and pure body, as this is what yoga truly drives for--clarity or sattva. This clarity is our way out of the mess that the world is and is the driving power behind the liberal arts. This driving power behind yoga, when realised as the liberal arts is the only reason why we still use politics.
It's not just breathing and postures, but a brilliant and perfect set of policies and observations that guide us to be relieved from the heavy burdening weight of Karma, so that our central channels that connect the main chakras may be cleared.
Once our central channels are cleared and the sun-moon dynamic between the left and right are balanced, we become filled with pleasure and a sense of inner strength that is unparalleled by anything on earth. Complete yoga offers us the opportunity to balance our elements, making us an excellent vessel for the ecstasy of the primordial power of the divine. Tantra yoga is referred to as not at all a sexual practice but complete yoga. When we experience complete yoga, there is pleasure. When this is described to the general public, it is difficult if not impossible for most people to divest themselves of the association of sex or other appetite based and addictive indulgences such as eating cake and ice cream or substance use with pleasure.
I call complete and full versed yoga "apotheosis path work" to separate it from the catch phrase meme (or mind virus) programming that has become attached to the idea of yoga. I know it sounds crazy but Yoga has been effectively distorted into a decoy format through industry standardization.
Industry standardization occurs so that we may be distracted from the essence of our power. Tantra Yoga or the highest yoga also known as Ati Yog and Dzogchen Yog, is a life embrace that is rooted in truth, integrity, critical self inquiry and observation of illusion-based views and behaviors. Through this embrace we move through the way of the great all-Mother Bhadra Kali and grow into an embodiment of all reality and liberated shakti. When shakti is no longer blocked, but liberated and being channeled or harnessed through the strongly focused clarity-oriented principles of tantra yoga, our health is prevalent on all levels. We have strong instincts, we worry significantly less than we did in so-called "normal life", as we have accomplished a level of true self realization and in true self realization, there is true power realization. The unrestrained mind is the essence of power and the finding of this power is known as moksha or liberation.
When yoga was brought to us by Sri Vivekananda, he gave us the entire message of yoga with "Raja Yoga", he was pointing to the applied science of yoga that existed before the British Occupation (Pre-colonial yoga)
Unfortunately, the west did not actually adopt true yoga and was instead
Corporate Yoga, separated from the true yogas with the help of Sri Krishnamacharya.
Sri Krishnamacharya was intelligent, but his intelligence is not frequently observed or celebrated. Kali (as opposed to Mahakali, the primal mother of time and supreme reality) is regarded as the embodiment of strife and mascot of "non-humanity". This entity is the namesake of the Kali Yuga. He can easily correlate to war, subjugation of human kind, greed, and of course this includes business that is not helpful for our growth into true empowerment, enlightenment, and vigor. It is as if he took a sword and chopped yoga up to pieces. Yoga fragments are what the public consumes. Yoga, when in tact generates messianic (Christ consciousness field or Buddha field). This field of consciousness correlates with Dharma (the way, the truth, the light) in order to bring about the golden age or Satyug--the age of truth and enlightenment.
This is something that industry and military should naturally be wanting to prevent from happening. Therefore our minds are flooded with the idea that the so-called Apocalypse would bring the destruction of the world. They are projecting their own agenda. It is the military and industrial that are intent on destruction, not the Apocalypse. The Apocalypse is innocent. The Greek root meaning of the term shows you how this word is a simple, innocent, and benign. Harmless. The Apocalypse is not a threat of harm, but a threat of reality crashing through our illusions as we rediscover the true nature of the power that lies within us all.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.