Frequently Asked Questions
Your Questions Answered
Below you’ll find answers to some of the more common questions I’ve received. Read on to learn more about my services and what I’ve done to help my clients in pursuit of their goals. If you feel like you didn’t find the answer you were looking for, feel free to contact me for more information. I’m always happy to hear from people who are interested in coaching.
What are Chakras?
Q:What is Kundalini?
Kundalini is the power hidden human potential locked away in the sacrum or lower pelvic region of the body. Described allegorically as the serpent flame or the serpent power, this topic has been controversial among many westerners. Associations that lead us to aversion are irrational and based upon intellectual limitations.
Q: Who made this chart ?
A. This is the work of clinical psychologist Dr. David Hawkins. You can find some of his thought and life observation provoking books in the Western Psychology section of our file share library.
Q: It seems like enlightenment is impossible to attain. Why is this?
If we wish to be enlightened, we must consider the nature of the supreme self in order to cultivate ourselves and grow up to its level. The untruthful cannot make this assessment, as the only way to enlightenment this through gaining the courage to be honest! Unfortunately, according to the findings of Dr. David Hawkins, 80% of the human race have been convinced that we should not enjoy or like reality and as a result most of us struggle with being or becoming honest. If you can gain the courage to permit reality to be as it is, without changing or dropping any of the vital details of that which is real, enlightenment can be attained. It is actually dangerous to our growth and recovery process to identify to temporary things, such as our emotions?
Q: How can we gain understanding of the true self?
We must surrender or relenquish any individual sense of self that is related to dysfunction, addictions, obsessions or stories that we made up to suit our sense of lack, ineptitude, imperfection, or anything else that is based in fear or anxiety of being hated, unloved, attacked, or even killed. It takes a great deal of bravery to face the truth, reality, the absolute and supreme self. This is actually what the Bhagavad Gita was all pointing at, when it comes to Arjuna's difficult battle against his own family, who he must slay. Krishna represents the true self, guiding him to go through this ordeal in order to attain understanding of his true nature--his true nature, which is represented through Krishna--the avatar of the supreme personality of godhead and equivalent to the Christ.
Q: We are all one. How is the Supreme self beyond the normal human state?
The supreme self is not identifying to thoughts and emotions, as these are simply fluctuations of mind (chita vriti). The fluctuations of mind-stuff are what we are being collectively gas-lit into identifying to. As long as we identify (cling) to our emotions in our attempt to integrate our shadow, we do not integrate with supreme mind and instead fall into the confusion of the vikalpas (impure thoughts). In this way we remain in the state of suffering brought on by the secondary of the five mind poisons or kleshas called asmita, essentially an existential identity crisis. If we are to self-realize in an intimate way that we are one with supreme universal consciousness, we would eventually all cease to be afraid of death (including the death of the self-created construct of egoic or vikalpa self) which would not serve a fear-based attempt of subjugating and controlling the collective into a state of mental slavery. Thus certain investors would lose the influential leverage they once had over us. It is important that our fear factor and concern for our own safety remains at a high level so that we spend money in order to preserve our own lives.
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Q:What are your fees?
There is a current events section as well as a services section which will show you what we have to offer and what the fees are. You may find flexible fees for several of our services that are suited for your financial circumstance. Our proceeds all go to good causes including charitable spiritual foundations and hopefully we will find more causes and organizations to connect with in Canada, the USA and other countries.
There are also free introductory classes for those who are new to my website and there is always an opportunity to donate if you appreciate the services offered here.
Can I book an Intake Session?
Yes you can! You can have a free 20 minute intake session with me to see if this suits you!